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2、Biao Xu, Uwe Braun, Shanhe Zhang, Hui Yang, Zhi Cao, Yaxu Guo, Jiage Song*. (2018) Powdery mildew caused by Erysiphe lespedezae (including Pseudoidium caesalpiniacearum, syn. nov.) on Bauhinia blakeana and B. purpurea in China. Phytotaxa. 345(1):35-42.
3、Jiage Song, Biao Xu*, Hui Yang, Shanhe Zhang. (2020) First report of powdery mildew caused by Erysiphe buhrii on Gypsophila capituliflora in China. Plant Disease. 104 (10) .
4、Jiage Song, Biao Xu*, Hui Yang, Shanhe Zhang. (2020) First report of Powdery mildew caused by Leveillula Taurica on Capparis spinosa subsp. himalayensis from China. Plant Disease. 104 (6).1866
5、Jiage Song, Biao Xu*, Shanhe Zhang, Zhenyu Zhao. (2015) Powdery mildew caused by Leveillula saxaouli on Iljinia regelii in the Gurbantunggut desert of Xinjiang. Journal of Plant Pathology. 97 (1): 217.
6、Jiage Song, Biao Xu*, Shanhe Zhang, Zhenyu Zhao. (2015) First Report of Powdery Mildew Caused by Erysiphe limonii on Acantholimon hedinii in China. Plant Disease. 99 (7): 1038-1039.
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1、徐彪,赵震宇,宋佳歌,姜子德,习平根,王涛,张山河,滕立平,杨辉,曹志. “新疆荒漠植物病原菌物资源调查、评价及存取系统构建” 2018年兵团科技进步二等奖
2、徐彪, 赵震宇, 宋佳歌, 邱爱军.“塔里木盆地白粉菌的分类研究” 2012年兵团科技进步三等奖